skin analyzer machine

How to explain skin analyzer report

After analysis, Customer would like to know their specific skin problems, how to recommend the appropriate product, would like to know the analysis of each representative of the indicators mean, how to determine the severity of skin problems, how to recommend a suitable course of treatment. if you are a beauty salon,spa, clinic. This article will be helpful to you. Kindly note the color of the histogram does not mean anything, just to distinguish it.

After analysis, there are 7 skin problems, for surface, there are spot, pore, roughness, wrinkle, for deep skin problem, there are UV acne, UV spot, UV moisture.  the percentage represent the degree of skin problem, the higher the number is, the worse the skin condition will be. Below detailed explanation  for you reference.

RGB Spot: Normal value is in 30%, indicate that the spots of surface skin is in normal state; if 30%-70%, indicate that in the excess state from medium to serious; if over 70%, indicate that in serious state, need to do freckles removal treatment urgently. from above picture, we can see customer RGB spot is 15%, is in a green area, is in good condition,also should pay attention to maintenance in daily life.

RGB Pore: Normal value is in 80%, this value is a little special, as everyone have pores, so the value is high, we detect the degree of clogged pores. 80%-90% indicate that in medium state; over 90%, indicate in serious state.

RGB Roughness: Roughness is relative with Pore, so the value indication is similar with pore. 80%-90% is medium state, over 90% is serious state, at same time, it’s closely connect with habits and dehydration.

RGB Wrinkle: Generally in 30% is fine lines, no need to pay much attention, as adult’s every movement of face, will have fine lines. Over 40%, fine lines quantity increased, when the blue points on detect pictures together into a line, this is authenticity wrinkles, over 70% is in serious state, need to do anti-aging treatment.

UV Acne: Normal value is in 30%, 30%-70% is in medium state, need to do moisturizing, deep cleaning treatment often; if over 70%, indicate that in serious state, remind customers do course of moisturizing, oxygen therapy and deep cleaning treatment.

UV Spot: Normal value is in 30%, 30%-70% is in medium state, need use products of promote metabolism often; if over 70%, indicate that in serious state, remind customers do course of promote metabolism.

UV Moisture: Normal value is in 80%, this value also a little special, as everyone’s face need large amounts of moisture, so everyone has lack moisture problem. 80%-90% is medium state, over 90% is serious state, need do moisturizing treatment urgently.


Would like to know how to combine product recommendations with analyzing the report, please look forward to the next article……